Thursday 26 May 2016

LO3 Production role for graphic design

Roles and responsibilities
So for this production my role is graphic designer which is the only role as this project was an individual task. This means I get to make all the design ideas, chose the idea that best suits my creative vision and make any changes I deem necessary throughout the process. I have complete control over the progression and outcome of the project.

Contribution to media product

My contribution to the process was the entirety of the project, the only aspect I had no control over was the brief, apart from that I contributed by designing, producing and editing the product. This takes a large amount of dedication as throughout the process of designing I created various mock ups and drafts before starting production.
 This image shows the first stage of draft work. This is where I decided to draw out some design ideas for my project.
 This image shows a further along stage of design, this is where I took the drawings and made mock up Photoshop designs from them.

  After making Photoshop mock ups I then chose from the design and started on enhancing and improving it to suit my brief.

This the final illustator mock up after improving the design, this is what I will make into the final product.

Development of skills
Throughout the process of designing and producing I have developed my skills in adobe computer programmes such as Photoshop and Illustrator. Previous to this project I had very limited skills in computer designing applications, now I have advanced skills and a in depth understanding of how they work.

Undertaking of Additional tasks
As well as designing and producing the product I also wanted to have a respected a constructive review of my work so I pitched my idea in front of two very respected graphic designers in the industry.

LO2 Understanding skills needed for chosen job role

 As the chosen job role is graphic design the requirement for written skills isn't extremely high however during the job the designer might need to use advanced written skills for writing to clients or potential clientele.
 I have good written skills however I acknowledge that my vocabulary isn't as good as I'd like it to be.

An advanced level of language skills are needed for both team work and conversing with potential clients in this industry as it is very competitive.
 My verbal skill are also very competent and I feel confident i would be able to understand and propose ideas to a client and a team. 

 The practical skills are very important as they are the designers skills in computer programmes such as Adobe Photoshop.
 My practical skills in Adobe Photoshop and illustrator are expansive as I have had a lot of practice with these software's throughout my time in college. However my skills in other programmes such as 3D modelling or After Effects are not as competent and could use a lot of working on.

Creativity is the most important skill needed for a graphic designer as it inspires and drives the work being done, without creativity it wouldn't be possible to survive in this industry.
 I have always been very capable of being creative and I have worked through many creativity related subjects.

LO1 Analysing media roles

Graphic designer

Key functions
The function of the graphic designer is that they work as part of a team to create unique design ideas for a client. This often entails making branding identity such as logos or advertisement design. Using a detailed understanding and composition the graphic designer can create a unique and interesting piece to help the product stand out.

Equipment needed
An adobe compatible computer such as a Apple Macintosh, The adobe master collection including Photoshop and illustrator, a graphics tablet and a quiet working environment.

skill needed
Artistic skills, design experience in art related subjects, competent with adobe creative programmes, being able to work as part of a team, leadership skills if leading the team.

Concept artist

Key Functions
The key function of concept artist is to work off of a clients brief to help the create director realise their creative visions. To be able to adapt the artwork as the filming progresses. 

Equipment needed
 A Apple Macintosh, graphics tablet, adobe Photoshop and illustrator.  Other art related computer packages.

Skills needed 
Excellent Artistic skills, creative mindset, technical competence with adobe software,  team worker. Experience in an art related subject is ideal as it shows experience and a professional level of understanding. Must be able to visualize in 3D space and have a keen interest in design, architecture and film.

The functions for both graphic designer and concept artist are very similar as the both require the ability to help someone else visualize there creative ideas and design artistic heavy pieces. However the graphic designer role is on on both per-production and production, where as the concept artist mostly takes place in per-production. Both roles are very important to the production process as without them the client and production designers wouldnt have the creative visions to work with.

Wednesday 25 May 2016

LO1 Exploring production roles

 The information I used to create this mindmap came from the website Creative Skillset.